New Year Means New Years Resolutions and i must say th-th-that mine
will be to do this blog
yea man ima try and do one everyday starting today
and i was like Daaaang i almost missed it yo
another one of my resolutions will be to do more Vids for MWC productions
were lacking in the packing and need to supply the people with some MexWhoCan Knowledge
we have a few ideas were gonna try out and run with it
also were clearing out all the old vids to make way for our new stuff
cuz the old stuff was not poppin
also more AsTheRecordSpins....
o yea and deff more of "THE TAKEOVER"
okay and the last but not least is To Get Myyyy DJ ISH up and Runnin yo
im goin hard
and even some parties down the way
so look out
for the MWC will make 09 Divine
(Basically...what my Mind Would Look Like If It Were a Picture)
(will explain on a rainy day)
-listing to Common Mixtape- "Can I Borrow 99c For The New Common Album"