From Fashion
To Fries
To the Statue of Liberty
shooot Even Electro Music
For instince...
Heard of a little duo called Daft Punk
Yeah these dudes are from France...
well there not the only big THING from France in electro Music and im pretty sure im missing out on a BUNCH
if you don't know
im about to inform you
Its cuz just like a few years back No one knew about DAFT PUNK until Kanye came out with STRONGER
then everyone was like Yaaaaa these dudes are DOPE
so listen Up
im going to start off with what makes them different from your normal Electro DJ
they throw in tons of Rock Influences from what they play, to what they wear
here is one of my fav. Remix's of Justice
Master of Puppets (Justice Mix)
There First Album intitled "Cross"
if you don't have it your Missing out
Has there Classics- Phantom, D.A.N.C.E,Waters of Nazareth
If you Like MUSIC go Cop IT
There other album is "A Cross The Universe"
If you Liked Daft Punks ALIVE
then you will go "GA GA" over this one
It has all there hits from there first album
But all MIXED up in a LIVE SHOW
None of the songs from the old album sound the SAME
BUT IF...your a Justice Fan You'll buy it
Another cool thing is included with the CD there is a documentary which follows there tour in the STATES
Im pretty Pissed about FINDING it
its been a really tough task for me
I still don't have this album
I have, HEARD it about a MILLION and ONE times on imeem
Its dope
i've tried on many accounts to go to BEST BUY...everytime I go they don't seem to have it...I've been to like 3 different stores
and the sad thing is there Killing off all the Other Stores that carry Music
only walmart and bb
Walmart has NOOOO MUSIC at all like 2 shelves
They only have "CROSS"
They say Your Best Bet is to buy it on Itunes
but im not a fan of that...
I like the ArtWork on the covers, the Booklet with Lyrics and info on who Produced it and what and the way CD's Just LOOK
Here are some of there vids...Always DOPE
Same Dude that Did DAY 'N' Night for Kid Cudi
Stress Music Vid.
But I Tip my Hat to WALE
for Jumping on and Giving the HIP-HOP community a taste of Justice
on his REMIX
This has been the First Blog Post Called "LET THERE BE...."
this is where i will tell you about who and what is DOPE in the Music Scene (to me at least)
Let There Be...Justice, becuz without Justice
no one would D.A.N.C.E
**Setting my Alarm**